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CDT celebrated 15 years of work last year.

This symbolic moment was a good occasion to remind ourselves of how the organization evolved and how much it progressed, but also of all the people who have contributed to that.

The year 2015 was definitely the most successful year in our work so far!
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Success is measured in many different ways – by the height of the budget, the number of beneficiaries, organized events, public recognition...

In recent years, CDT has developed a system of measuring success, by which we try to evaluate our own results - not what we have done - but what we have achieved and how we have contributed to the change we strive for.

In that sense, we are proud of the results of the organization, consistency and proper operation, and directing resources towards realization of what our vision and mission are.
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Our efforts to become a leader in terms of transparency of NGOs are also internationally recognized.

In 2015, we also received "five stars" for transparency from Transparify initiative, and thereby we have been declared as one of the most transparent research centers in the world.

Transparify included in its research more than 160 research organizations from 47 countries, and assessed the extent to which they publish funding sources, assigning them up to five stars depending on the level of disclosure of information.
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All those who have cooperated with us and supported us - many institutions and individuals in the system of public administration, international foundations, organizations and diplomatic missions that have helped us financially and politically, the media who helped in having our message heard, and partner NGOs from Montenegro and the region, political parties and many citizens - also deserve a credit for the results we have achieved.

We thank them all of them for trusting us and we hope to continue our cooperation towards achieving the common goals!
Zum Anfang


We contributed to dialogue on fair and free elections and better implementation of the electoral legislation, by participating in a parliamentary working group, organizing conferences, making analyses, evaluations and recommendations.

By monitoring financing of political parties and participating in drafting by-laws of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, we influenced the increase of transparency and legality of financing of political parties and election campaigns.
Zum Anfang
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We increased the awareness of citizens about the new electoral register and influenced that thousands of people check their data in the electoral register.

Through press releases, articles and media appearances, we increased the awareness of citizens about the new solutions in the electoral legislation, in particular on the new electronic system of voter identification.

Our activities in this program area were supported by the Royal Netherlands Embassy and  Commission for allocation of part of revenue from games of chance

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We have been conducting continuous monitoring of implementation of Law on Financing Political Entities and Electoral Campaigns

At the same time, we participated in consultations with government institutions in preparation of the beginning of work of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption. 
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In cooperation with the Parliament of Montenegro, we organized a conference on the subject "Implementation of electoral legislation towards the parliamentary elections", which was attended by national and international officials, MPs, representatives of political parties and civil society.

Shortly afterwards, in response to an initiative from the Conference conclusions, a dialogue was launched on the need for establishing a parliamentary working body that would monitor the process of implementation of the electoral legislation, which in December 2015 has resulted in establishment of the Working Group of parliamentary dialogue to prepare free elections.

Our representatives took part in the sessions of the Working Group.
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By implementing the Memorandum of Understanding, we continued our cooperation with the Supreme State Prosecutor's Office and set up joint activities for strengthening the transparency of state prosecutor's offices and the Prosecutorial Council.

In cooperation with the institutions, we contributed to better implementation of the Law on Free Access to Information in part of proactive disclosure of information and implementation of penalty policy in this area.
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Supported by: the European Union, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the British Embassy in Podgorica and Think Thank Fund.
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We were strengthening transparency of state prosecutor's offices and the Prosecutorial Council.

The State Prosecutor's Office in 2015 reached full compliance with the Law on Free Access to Information, in the part of a proactive approach.

 As a result of joint work, the Public Relations Strategy of the State Prosecutor's Office was prepared, as well as the Action Plan for its implementation.
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We worked on improving the implementation of the Law on Free Access to Information as well as through active work in the Working Group that prepared the analysis of implementation of the Law.

In 2015, Agency in charge of supervising the Law started applying penalty policy against violators of the Law, which was one of the recommendations of CDT.
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As a contribution to the fight against corruption, our Research Center prepared the report on "Corruption and Anti-corruption in Montenegro 2013-2014", which was prepared as part of the regional project of the SELDI network for good governance and fight against corruption consisting of civil society organizations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. Furthermore, as the main partner of SELDI network in Montenegro we organized an international conference in Podgorica in order to discuss the fight against corruption in the critical sectors in South-East Europe.

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In order to work on improvement of coordination of policies of the Government, the CDT Research Center conducted an analysis of national legislation and practice, scientific articles and comparative experience and created recommendations for the best model to be implemented in Montenegro.

To this end, we offered decision makers a policy paper proposal entitled "Planning, measurement and reporting leveraging success of government policies".
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We improved the quality of dialogue on NATO by focusing on specific topics in the area of security, rather than the usual "for & against" debate.

We contributed to increasing public support for NATO membership, through communication with decision-makers, representatives of the international community, and constant direct communication with citizens. 

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Through research and infographics, we explained and demystified topics related to NATO integration, which were differently interpreted in the public.

We participated in creation of the Resolution on support for Montenegro's integration into NATO, which was adopted by the Parliament of Montenegro in September 2015. CDT advocated adoption of this Resolution since 2013 and it enhanced its text with an amendment, which further affirmed commitment to strengthen the rule of law.

We contributed to the text of the Joint Declaration of the EU-Montenegro Civil Society Joint Consultative Committee on transparency and inclusiveness of the process of Montenegro's accession to the EU. 

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Our activities were supported by the NATO PDD,
the US Embassy and the British Embassy.
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In Kotor we organized a conference on "Tourism and Security: towards NATO membership", which brought together a number of tourist workers and representatives of various government agencies and services that contribute to the security in tourism.
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We continued to advocate for greater transparency of the process of EU integration, with a focus on adoption of an act that would precisely define which documents, in which stage of negotiations with the EU and in what manner will be made available to citizens.

After the meeting with the EU-MNE Civil Society Joint Consultative Committee, a joint declaration was adopted calling for more political responsibility and greater ownership of the process of accession in Montenegro, and timely disclosure of the most important documents of the accession process.
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 In 2015, through regional initiative 
Civil Society House the Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Government of Montenegro and the Capital City for construction of the house.

Development of a new resource center will contribute to a more open and challenging atmosphere for the work of NGOs, improve inter-sectoral cooperation and help increase public influence, importance and visibility of activities of NGOs.
Zum Anfang
Through participation in the work of Commission for allocation of part of revenue from games of chance, we directly influenced the improvement of transparency and quality of the process for allocation of funds for NGO projects.

Through development of the Sustainability Index, we continued to measure and moniotor the progress of the civil sector in Montenegro.

Our activities in this program area were supported by: the USAID/MSI, the US Embassy in Podgorica, the German Embassy through OSCE and Balkan Trust for Democracy.
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In cooperation with the Ministry of Interior and international organizations, we have been informing citizens in all Montenegrin municipalities about the harmful consequences of illegal possession of weapons. 723 weapons, 102 explosive devices, 346 frames and 7824 rounds of ammunition have been collected.

We participated in formation of the Open Platform, an informal network of NGOs, which was launched to promote dialogue within civil society and initiate solutions that will improve the current status, image and perception of the public, institutions and privatesector on the role and benefits that the community and the citizens of Montenegro have of the civil sector.
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CDT prepared the report for Montenegro for the USAID CSO Sustainability Index. The SCO Sustainability Index is an analytical instrument that measures progress of the civil sector by examining the overall environment for development of civil society through seven dimensions: legal environment, organizational capacity, financial viability, advocacy, service provision, infrastructure and public image of NGOs.
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In cooperation with the Ministry of Interior, the UNDP office in Montenegro, the OSCE Mission and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Montenegro, we conducted a campaign "Respect Life, Return Weapons".

The objectives of the campaign were to raise public awareness about the dangers and harmful effects of illegal weapons possession, reduce the amount of illegal weapons and educate citizens about their rights and obligations related to this field.
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Through the project entitled "Art activism for safer society and efficient institutions", we promoted the importance of the rule of law for creation of a safe society without crime, through youth art activism.

The project enabled young people to get involved in decision-making processes more actively through the creative work, education and campaign.
Zum Anfang
CDT conducted workshops in five local communities in order to inform citizens about the budget creation process and enable them to suggest what should be financed with money from the local budget.

CDT submitted to the Secretariat of Finance of the Capital City about 80 citizens proposals from ten local communities, which mainly related to equipping of children’s playgrounds, green spaces, equipping of sports polygons, sidewalks, street lighting ... 
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In 2015, we developed the new CDT website, where we improved the manner of presenting researches and provided users with an easier and more interesting insight into our activities.

In line with modern design trends we created a new visual identity.

We improved the quality of visual solutions and maximized interaction with citizens on social networks.
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Supported by the UNDP Innovation
and the US Embassy in Sarajevo.    
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Within the competition of ideas for improving services for citizens, proposed by teams from over 30 countries, our ICT team was proclaimed as one of the four winners.

In 2015, with mentoring of experts in this field, for the first time we developed a mobile application that would facilitate access to citizens of Montenegro to obtaining information held by government institutions. 
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Through regional cooperation with partners from ACTION SEE, in the past year we developed the skills of data scraping, processing and analyzing of publicly available data.

With the assistance of experts from the region and Europe, we worked on the set of data in the field of conflict of interest in order to enable the public to get access to data from property records of public officials in a simple and interesting manner.
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CDT INFO 2015.

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SELDI network of 17 NGOs from Southeast Europe, dealing with the fight against corruption and good governance.

ACTION SEE network of NGOs that work together to promote and facilitate government accountability and transparency in the region of South-East Europe, through raising the potential for civic activism and citizen participation.

ENEMO network of 23 NGOs from the countries of Europe and Eurasia dealing with citizens electoral monitoring.
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